
... to see clearer ...  a less obstructed, sharper, deeper, more vivid, ...  revelation of the Father's heart towards me, what He has done for me and who He made me to be

Why we fast - misconceptions - right and wrong reasons - communion - (1:44)
Why we fast - not to gain favor - not to get God to move - see clear - subdue flesh voice - (1:29)
Why we fast - suppress things of flesh - grow in things of spirit - results - see - prayer - flesh voice - (2:04)
Why we fast - bring indulgence into order- fasting as a work - dreading not eating - quote
Why we fast - so that the voice of the spirit man is what's being heard - flesh following like a puppy - quote
Why we fast - benefits - see clearer - understand - revelation - get rid of fog, cobwebs - (:38)
Why we fast - clearer perspective - understanding - re: healing; see the situation clearly - quote
Why we fast - puts you into position to see past carnality - suppress the cry of the flesh - (1:14)
New motive - new wineskins - not for the old purpose of finding favor with God - quote
New motive - new wineskins - to get self control back - get cry of the flesh out of leading - quote
Losing sight of why we fast - why behind the fast is what brings the benefit - not length - (2:20)
Losing sight of why we fast - not to suffer the body - seeking the things of the Spirit - (:56)
When we fast - part of Kingdom living - for benefit of being free from self - (:22)
When we fast - part of Kingdom living - renewed in the spirit of your mind - quote
Voice of the flesh - rationalization - way that seems right to man - quote
Voice of the flesh - wants to rise up and have loudest voice - convince you it's right - quote
{my voice of flesh cries for - comfort, convenience, entertainment}
Flesh is not detriment - waking up with God's Spirit inside - quote
Prayer and fasting - they go together - fasting exposes stuff - voice of the flesh - quote
Prayer in fasting - to keep me focused on why I'm fasting - understand who I've become - quote
Prayer in fasting - to keep me focused on why I'm fasting - example prayer - quote
Prayer in fasting - sample prayers - no cry in me louder than the cry to know You and understand - quote
Self-condemnation - fast should never end in self-condemnation - grace - He's excited - quote
Temperance - return of self control - something in the mind that hinders spirit - sensual driven - (1:36)
Temperance - the fasted life - that the enemy have no excesses to exploit - quote
Renewed in the spirit of your mind - motives - perspective - quote

HCSKL 32 [1:46+], 33
2010 KLS W12S43A&B, W12S44A

Please Note: Fasting should only be undertaken with the advice and consent of a medical doctor.