Intimate Relationship > Fasting >
Fasting - Prayer Example
"Father I so thank you for the honor (and you get right
here) the honor of just pursuing you spiritually. I thank you that you Lord God
are bringing into submission the cry of my flesh and the carnal nature of man.
And I thank you there is no cry in me louder than the cry to know you and to
understand. And I just submit myself to you."1
And I’ll just get a grip on those hunger pangs through
a time of prayer and just refocus on what I’m doing. And it’ll take me into an
intimate place with Him. “God it’s such an honor to know who you are at some
level. Thank you for increasing that and revealing yourself to me. God, I am so
hungry after you. I am seeking after you.” And all of the sudden you’re not
hungry after that, you’re hungry after Him.2
1. Dan Mohler audio recording 2010 Kingdom Living School W12S43A [52:00]
2. Dan Mohler audio recording 2010 Kingdom Living School W12S43A [53:05]
Please Note: Fasting should only be undertaken with the advice and consent of a medical doctor.