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FFH 8-12-2008

0:00 - Announcements

The Privilege of Worship

2:00 - Meeting together - The importance of family time - fellowship time. Atmosphere of love. The meeting starts when you get here. Our agenda: connecting in Him - learning to grow in love. So don’t get anxious about start times.

6:05 - Opening prayer - Bring the gospel alive in our hearts. Transform us for your name’s sake. Turn fear around into faith. Let us become what the gospel has paid for. Individual worship.

9:45 - Past weekend’s worship - Worship leader froze - God came - “It’s funny - We’ve been asking Him to come and then when He comes you don’t even know what to do.” Distractions. Put your affection on Him - Don’t be distracted. Song - His holiness. “I know what we’re supposed to do. I just don’t know when.” Call for prayer for the sick.

15:40 - Give yourself to Him in worship - Worship Him for who He is and who He is manifests. Give yourself to Him. Keep your heart fine tuned in worship. It’s so easy just to go through the motions.

Pursue His Presence - Live From His Presence

16:55 - Past weekend’s worship - Amazing Presence - “I told you Dan. I’ll dwell in you and walk among you. And right now I’m standing in your midst.” He came in a greater degree because of the hunger we had together as a group. Call to the sick. Sick get healed. The teens were praying for the sick.

19:15 - Pursue His Presence - We ought to just pursue His presence - more of Him - more of who He is.

19:30 - Past weekend’s worship - Amazing Presence - The teens just “In Jesus name, be healed…” Enough people were just patient. Not distracted.

20:50 - Live from His Presence - You can live in that realm and manifest Him more. Live from His presence. I’m cheering you on.

21:25 - Man testifies - headache leaves.

21:50 - Tangible feelings of God’s presence. Teaching from His presence. Just pursue His presence because in His presence everything makes sense. That was God demonstrating what we were saying.

23:00 - Our representation of Jesus is effortless towards others when we are living from a revelation of God - His presence. You don’t even need to know what’s going on in the situation.

23:20 - We’re the problem most of the time - striving in our own effort.

Stop Judging the Worship - Seeing Through a Self-righteous Eye

24:20 - Seeing the negatives in a worship service - forgetting that you are there to meet Him.

24:50 - Rut of not wanting to go to Sunday morning services - I felt like we were grieving God’s heart. I was super conscious of what was wrong in worship. God told me to go to another church. Worshiping Jesus. Sacrament of communion. “Boy, Dan, I sure missed you like this on Sundays.” His heart had been longing for me. I was deceived into thinking we were grieving God. Judgemental. God wanted fellowship. Look to God. He Fathered me.

28:40 - Troubled about your congregation - Being troubled about things in worship - in your congregation. Don’t let that deceive you to the point where you miss Him. He was longing for me.

29:30 - Participant’s comment - Judging your own church. Connecting with God. Listen to His voice.

30:35 - Experiences in worship.

31:20 - Stereotyping congregations - When you go to other churches. Keep your heart pure before the Lord. You can get trapped in self-righteousness where you feel like you’ve got something that they don’t. God doesn’t want you looking through that eye. Go in there and love Him and worship Him. Bless that place and people.

32:00 - Catholic service - “amen” - 5 min window to speak - talked from heart - but I could see God there - Holy Spirit was there -  I wasn’t projecting - make a statement. I was just loving God and being me - people gathered around afterwards - what was happening when you spoke. It was life giving.

34:15 - Worship - Don’t lose the heart in what you are doing - That shows that you can lose the heart of what you are doing. It doesn’t mean that it’s not powerful or that God’s not in it. I walked in fresh and could see Jesus there.

34:50 - Father, restore us to innocence. We don’t want to project or be self-righteous. Restore us to love you and others. Restore us to purity. Transforming grace. We’ve got to become love. We must be possessed by your heart. To the pure all things are pure.

36:50 - Youth leader testimony - Intimacy with God is available.

Hurt From Rejection - A Barometer of God Reality

42:25 - Hurt - A barometer of you revelation - Springing off of what she said… “Who cares. He loves me!” If that’s just a principle, you’ll still be affected by what people say and think. It’s a good barometer. Regardless of how people respond to your teaching you won’t be affected by it if you know Him. I can’t be hurt, slighted, discouraged…

43:20 - The only thing that I could do is respond with a heart for them.

43:40 - How can you debate with true experience - true joy - true freedom - true forgiveness.

44:00 - Hurt - A barometer of you revelation - When we experience rejection - a hurt, we know the principle that “Oh well, God loves me” but there is something to grow in there. Something to pursue in relationship and God reality to where nobody else has power over your emotions and soul because He is the Lord and you know Him.

44:20 - Can’t talk me out of it - How can you talk me out of this? I’m walking with God. No way to debate this. How can their cynicism touch your relationship? It’s can’t. It can only move you for them - wishing that they would see what they don’t yet see.

44:50 - So hurt from rejection is a good barometer of your revelation. We have a principle, “God loves me.” But love surpases knowledge.

45:05 - Keep growing in revelation - I know that I shouldn’t be moved by that but I am. So that’s a call to grow - to get closer to Him - to where I come from the place of revelation. It’s a call to greater intimacy - greater revelation. Ask God to make these principles real - let them come alive.

45:50 - Hurt vs. hurting - Jesus didn’t walk around hurt. And God is not on the throne hurt because of the way that men live their lives. They are hurting for us. There is a difference between hurt and hurting. Examples from Jesus’ life.

46:20 - At Lazarus’ tomb - Grieving for their souls.

47:20 - A lot of us try to walk out principles and being OK but the answer is spending more time with Him and yielding yourself to Him in the secret place.

Religion vs. Relationship - Do Everything in Relationship

47:45 - Reading the word - Interact - Please don’t read your Bible or a whole bunch of books without spending time in the secret place. You don’t need more knowledge. You need to know Him. You need interaction. The Bible is a life giving book. He’s a life giving Spirit.

48:15 - Example of communing in prayer - reading your word. Read the word in relationship.

48:55 - Religion vs. relationship - Quote from t-shirt: “Adam didn’t lose religion in the garden. He lost relationship. Religion didn’t come until after the fall.” We’re not pursuing a religion. We’re pursuing Him.

49:30 - Participant comment - What you get out of reading the word is already inside of you. You’ve got to become the word.

51:20 - Becoming the word - You don’t know the word until you become the word. Being transformed into His image by the Spirit of God.

51:40 - Reading the word - Not just finding out who God is but also who I am now because of Him. The lie about myself has dominated since I was born. Jesus is my everything. With Him I find out who I am.

52:30 - Participant comment - Some people get hung up on: John 5:39-40 - Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life. He was talking to the religious leaders of the day. They didn’t have the Spirit living in them.

53:00 - If I am pursuing Him, I do it through the scriptures. I find Him through His word but I’m not reading it for knowledge. I’m reading it to know Him.

53:30 - Knowing vs. knowing about God.

53:40 - Let what you are hearing be personal. As it strikes your heart, talk to Him.

53:50 - Example: seeking peace. Thou doest keep Him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee. Christian CDs etc. You can keep everything “Christian” and still be freaked out in your mind. No you have to personally hook your heart up to what they are singing.

54:40 - Experiences with the Lord - Dancing with the Lord - Song about dancing with the Lord - “So why aren’t we dancing?” Take things personally. He was keeping me from being religious. He was taking me deeper. He didn’t just want me singing about it. He wanted me entering in. You’re singing it. Let Me be that real to you. We have a thing going on. We know one another. We tore it up. We want intimacy - God reality.

59:50 - Experiences with the Lord - Alabaster jar - Teaching my kids about the woman with the alabaster jar. He’s that real. Felt His legs.

1:01:40 - Elder’s meetings - I wasn’t much use at those meetings.

1:02:35 - Many experiences with the Lord. Why am I talking about these experiences? Because I don’t want knowledge about Him. I want Him. That’s your choice - your privilege.

1:03:10 - The point? Release faith into the relationship. It takes faith to take a step and dance with Him. It didn’t take any faith to sing a song about dancing with Him. All these things that I am telling you is the reason that I am the way that I am.

1:03:50 - Be yourself - Sound men want you to talk at the same volume. Sound man either a pro or he quit. We want what’s real.

Testimony, Intercession & Worship

1:04:35 - Joe’s testimony of radical transformation - If God can change me He can change any body.

1:16:00 - Intercession by participant

1:20:00 - Worship - praise - intercession