At Home Assignment for Meeting 1

(Email well before meeting 1)

Main Video Clip - Before our first meeting please watch this main video clip (27:27) from a Sunday morning service by pastor Dan Mohler.

(Just so you know... Pastor Dan’s messages can be a bit overwhelming at first… RELAX… If you don’t understand what he is trying to convey, it’s ok… keep listening… just take in the things that resonate with your heart and whatever you miss, you’ll have plenty of chances to pick up on later.)

Make a few notes - Jot down a favorite quote / anything that strikes you / anything that confuses you / What part of Dan's message rings most true? We'll have a chance to talk about these things when we meet.

Supplemental Video Clips - About a third of the way through the main video clip (above) Dan talks about the meaning of man being created in the image of God. We’ll talk more about what happened in the Garden - the creation of man, the fall of man and the effects of the fall - at our first meeting. So take a look at these short clips.

Clip 1.1 - (1:36) - creation
Clip 1.2 - (1:06) - the fall & the effects of the fall
Clip 1.3 - (1:15) 
Clip 1.4 - (2:03) - twisted relationships
Clip 1.5 - (:49)