Dan Mohler - Perfect love cast out fear
...So, you never fear. What holds you in bondage is fear. Fear brings bondage. Fear is submitting to and believing that thing that’s threatening and coming against your created value and your personhood. Who knows I’ve submitted myself to Him. I’m dead so that He can live in me and through me. He’s my rock and my defense. What shall I fear? The Lord is my helper… Hebrews 13:5… the Lord is my helper, what shall I fear? What can man or anyone do to me? Amen? It’s real. It’s real but you’ve got to grow in that because the first reaction in life is what? Fear. Jesus says do not worry and what do Christians do? Worry themselves half to death. Serious. And all the while we pray the right stuff and call it faith and it’s driven by fear. Whoa. And faith works through [love]. And love casts out all [fear]. So relationship with Him is a big deal. Faith is the normal, natural response of your relationship with God. Honestly. If fear is dominating my life, what it’s telling me is, “I must know you more. I need to draw closer.” And as I draw closer to you, you’ll draw closer to me. “I’ve got to know you Lord. I’ve got to know the God of my salvation.” And you slip alone in a room and close the door and slip to your knees and nobody in the world is watching, that’s when it’s real. And you say, “I’ve got to know you Master. I’ve got to know you. Come into me and manifest yourself to me. I love you Jesus.” Ok? It’s real. That’s what will take fear away. Perfect love casts out [fear].1
1. Dan Mohler audio recording entitled 8-14-2008 LCF [16:45]