Day 13
0:00 - 9:40 - [Microphone not on.]
The Sacrament of Communion
0:00 - Amazing price that was paid for the redemption of mankind.
1:00 - Jesus was beaten beyond recognition to get back our rightful appearance.
2:00 - The blood - the remission of sin - as if sin was never happened.
2:20 - The body - given to remove the effects of sin in our being. The body paid the price of the effects of that sin in our bodies.
2:40 - 1 Peter 2:24 - Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. - Dead to sin - sin consciousness - sin identity - sin mentality. He pulls out Isaiah 55 right on the heels of righteousness. That’s not by accident.
3:40 - Not just an ordinance - You believe and receive everything it accomplished. This is where you are going: the redemption of man. This is where we are growing to. Not something to be frustrated over or draw back in but growing up into Him.
5:10 - Death for life. He became what we were so that we could become what He is.
Faith for Healing
5:30 - Syrophoenician woman. I believe you are the Christ. I believe you love everybody. Crumbs that fall from the table. Faith can make you whole. It releases the power of God to a daughter that was nowhere near.
7:00 - Centurion -
9:00 - Todd - man with stroke - David Hogan - Don’t see the stroke. See Jesus.
9:40 - [Microphone on]
9:40 - Don’t see the condition of the sick person - Wife’s seizure - on life support. I had been hearing weird thoughts for two or three months. It was all demonic strategy. The strategy was exposed. And all of the sudden I couldn’t see her condition any more. It doesn’t mean we are in denial. It just means greater is He. So we want Him to get way bigger than what seems to be life because He is Life.
Meditating in the Life of Jesus -
Lazarus & The Importance of What You See
10:40 - Blindness at Lazarus’ tomb - What happened at Lazarus’ tomb? Jesus is the author and giver of life. He’s the resurrection and the life. And He is standing there and all that they could see was death. What you see is huge. All they could see was death.
11:05 - All Martha saw was death. If you had been here my brother would not have died. Do you hear the bite? “Why did you let Him die? God where were you?” I am the resurrection and the life.
12:00 - Meditate in the life of Jesus - Let this not just be an exciting message, let it be my reality. God, it has to be my reality. Take this scripture personally. Get alone and meditate on it.
12:30 - Realize the the baton has been handed to us of the new covenant - NT church. He has handed us the baton. We have a whole lot of things trying to quench the flame that wants to burn on the inside of every man - quench a fire that wants to burn.
13:00 - Victims of what they didn't see - It’s a matter of what you see - You have to go back to Jesus. Go back to Lazarus’ tomb and realize that they were victims of what they were and weren’t seeing. Jesus is standing right in their midst. He is truth Himself. He is truth in the flesh. And they couldn’t hear Him because they were consumed by lies. The Bible says, They received Him not. He came to His own and they knew Him not - John 1:10-11. Their minds had been so trained outside of God that when God stood in front of them they said, “Who are you?” That’s why we have to be renewed.
13:45 - No other believers at the tomb - At Lazarus’ tomb there was not one believer - in the sense of what was about to happen. The only reason the disciples were there was to die with Him. [Retelling of the Lazarus’ tomb.] The disciples were deaf and blind to what was going to happen. The best they could do was, in integrity say, “Let’s go die with Him there.” But they weren’t going thinking that this was going to be amazing. No one except Jesus was expecting Lazarus to get up because death is so powerful and it still is if we are not careful. It tries to motivate us in a wrong way - fear. Death has such a voice.
15:25 - Mary and the Jews don’t get it - If you had been here my brother would not have died. The Jews were weeping.
15:40 - Jesus groaned - A lot of people think that Jesus felt sad for them and He is crying with compassion because they are sad. No, He groans in His Spirit. The word means vexed, to murmur against, to be indignant toward. It sounds like He is sinning. He is not sinning. He is face to face with the fall of man. People made in the similitude of God that have succumbed to the fall. He has come to redeem them and He is face to face with what they look like in the fall. And He is standing there - nothing that was created that was not created through Him - and they could not see Him. And He groaned. And He is hearing Mary and Martha - I am the resurrection and the life. It’s alright. Cheer up. I'm here.
16:40 - Fix on Jesus and see when others don’t - Where have you laid him? - I can’t take this any more let’s just do this. Let’s reveal the truth. They don’t see. But there is a place for every one of us to see, even if no man is seeing, because we follow Him. But if we don’t get fixed on Him and lock in foundational yes and amen beliefs, we won’t go there. This thing (our minds) will derail us and we will live out of our minds and never cultivate our hearts. We’ll back off instead of press in.17:25 - Settle on what you believe - You have to settle on the will of God. You have to settle that the accomplishment of the work of Jesus is enough. You have to believe that it is always a yes - that God isn’t administratively changing His mind. That He has handed us the baton and we are to run the race worthy of a prize.
17:45 - A lot of people can’t lock in and believe it is just yes. They have a lot of other components that enter in. But if you look at this thing clear scripturally - eat of His flesh, drink of His blood, forgives all of your sin, heals all of your diseases, redeems your soul from destruction…
The Sacrament of Communion (cont.)
18:10 - Receiving the body and blood.
19:00 - Prayer of Communion - Intercession - Communion on behalf of another
25:00 - Participants enter into personal prayer
25:45 - Some things can almost seem like works and you have to be careful how you teach them. Just start to be conscious of thanking God for His love - thanking God for every good thing.
Feelings are Fun but Walk by Faith
26:15 - God reality - Home group - God is so real. They weren’t getting it because it was my revelation.
27:35 - God reality during service - Vibration in arms - Four months after being saved. An experience that didn’t stop being an experience - it lived through my life. In other words, it became my reality - an encounter that became my reality. He gave me an assignment to do something. And when I did it, it was like, “What did I just do?” I got really scared. “We need to stop the music. God wants to come and do this… and that…” I’m thinking, “I don’t even know what I am doing.” “Lord, I did it. I hope it was right but I did what I thought you said. But if he stops that music you have got to come.” Pastor stops the music. Vibration starts in my arms into my hands. My hands feel like they are 100 pounds. They feel like they are in a paint shaker but not moving at all. It almost hurt. God was so real.
31:10 - God reality at salvation - spinning and twirling. At work. About 10 minutes. I lost my unrenewed mind that day. Never looked for it since. God became real.
32:00 - Vibrating arms (continued) - God, you are really, really real. Once that happens there is a boldness. Not arrogance, boldness.
32:30 - You’ve got to be careful that you don’t need that feeling. That was a boost. That was God’s pat on the hiny to encourage me - “You can do this.”
33:00 - That got me out of the nest. I went up there - give me the mic - I am ready to fly. And it was amazing how God moved.
33:00 - Living by the feeling - I got into a trap after a while with that. I started living by the feeling. I heard preachers preach, “Wait on the anointing.” And if I didn’t feel that vibration, I didn’t have confidence. God said, “You know that feeling is grace. Just to get you to do things that you have never done before. To show you it’s possible. Just to boost you. The work is finished. My Spirit is upon you. I live in you. Never forget you live by faith.” Went on for about a year.
33:50 - Vibrations stop - Conference on believing God - At the end I asked everybody who wanted to live this way - I was going to pray for them at the altar - impartation. I actually used to do that. Lay hands on people - you’ll be more of a believer than you have ever been. For 3 days I preached. Huge response at altar call - everybody. God was already on them. They were sitting ducks. I didn’t feel anything - nothing. I thought, “God, you’ve got to come.” I just preached for three days and told these people that if they came up here, you would come. “Hey Dan, What do you believe?” Prayed for all of the people and God moved and did cool things.
36:00 - Ministering unlimited - Two weeks later, I notice that I am not getting this manifestation any more. And I saw people healed. People felt the presence of God. But I asked Him, “Lord, why don’t I feel you like I always did?” “Dan, you have been caught living by feelings. It was a grace to move you into things I am asking you to do. But it is time to believe me. I've removed the feelings so that you minister unlimited. The feelings are becoming a hindrance. You are waiting on them instead of knowing me.”
37:00 - Ministering unlimited - We think that if we are not feeling the anointing we ARE limited. And that’s what makes us limited. That’s the very belief that makes you limited. When isn’t He in you? When doesn’t He love people? When isn't the work finished? It probably has a lot to do with our faith - these signs following the believer. Probably everything is in place. Everything is a go. Even how we have taught ourselves…
37:50 - Don’t wait on a feeling of anointing - During my early years of being a Christian, we would have speakers come into church that would say “Wait on the anointing.” What if you perceive that YOU ARE anointed? Believing that you are supposed to wait on the anointing opens up the door for all kinds of doubt and questioning, “I wonder why I am not perceiving the anointing? I wonder if there is anything standing in the way?” Now, you need to be in faith and see the love of God for the cancer patient. And you want to pray for them and give them the kingdom. And you are standing there wondering if there is a reason that God can’t anoint you. Knowing who you are is a big deal and that you are loved by God - accepted - and that He has anointed you.
38:40 - You are anointed because the Bible says you are. Not because you feel it.
38:45 - Feelings and manifestations - Feelings are cool. You don’t hear me talk about them a lot because people chase them. People run to manifestations in a wrong way.
Ministering with Manifestations
39:00 - Ministering with manifestations - I used to minister pretty aggressively. I wasn’t training anyone (equipping the body). I was just manifesting. It gained a lot of attention. People run to that. I used to believe that if I left a church and everybody wasn’t on the floor that God didn’t move. I had seen ministers minister that way, so I wanted to minister that way. And it’s amazing how if you want to minister that way you can.
39:40 - It got weird in me - But it got weird with me. It drew attention… I remember going into a church. And people were stroking me, not just appreciating me. I wore suits. Ken doll. I felt like I looked nice. Man of God. Yeah, I felt like God was using me. But I didn’t realize what was happening inside of me. I had 2 encounters with this subtle form of pride that was creeping into my life.
40:46 - #1 - Pride creeps in - One time I was at the altar with my wife, praying for the sick. There were 3 other teams. There was nobody coming up to the other people but our line was long. It wasn’t good. But instead of me thinking, “Man, this isn’t good.” I’m thinking in my mind, “Wow, people know that God is on me and realize that I am anointed.” I was thinking that it was a good thing. People are coming because they know it’s God. Man if I were to see something like that today, because of where I have grown, that would break my heart. Back then it was no big deal. But when I left the church, driving home, Holy Spirit said, “Why do you feel that way? I did everything.” I bawled and bawled because I don’t want that stuff in my heart. He was fathering me. I cried so hard I couldn’t drive. It was a subtle little, “I am somebody, in a wrong way.”
42:00 - I am someone because of His mercy and grace - To God I am somebody. I am worth the blood. I am a son. But it is by grace. It is by His mercy. And if you get that so big in your heart that it makes you love Him and honor Him and give Him all the glory. There is not one self made Christian. We have an amazing Father that made us in His image and He has grace and mercy to get us back to that truth.
42:30 - #2 - Pride again - There was another time, a second time - and I didn’t ever want a third time - strike three. I went to the church. See, when you are the only one manifesting and you are pursuing to manifest - when your goal is to manifest, you lose sight of things. It’s to love people. You want people to receive the highest finished accomplishment of Christ - and if it flows through you great. But your goal is not manifesting, it’s giving them what Jesus paid the price for - it’s seeing them restored and healed. It has very little to do with you and what you look like in that equation.
43:30 - The anointing is for the equipping of the body - Not just the centerpiece for a conference - In the church we haven’t understood that. Instead of the anointing being positioned to train and equip for the work of the ministry, we’ve have centered the anointing in the middle of a conference to be ministered to by. That’s what we have done. So we hold huge conferences to be ministered to by the anointing that is on man instead of be reproduced in that truth for the work of the ministry and multiplied.44:00 - #2 - Pride again (continued) - I was in that for about 6 years. Traveling to churches mostly in the area. I was pretty aggressive and ministered in a lot of manifestations and feelings. And I was in this church and pride was in my heart. I was FEELING like someone, apart from mercy. “Boy, I have arrived. God is using me. I have grown up in this gospel.” I was feeling this stuff in a wrong way.
God will Father You
44:35 - He will father you - I see where I am going with this. Do you remember how we talked about meditating in the word and communing with God? Your communion life with God is so huge. If you get into a Father/son or Father/daughter relationship, He will viably father you.
44:55 - Ask God to father you - Have you ever wondered why some people get warned and saved from terrible mistakes? And other people just walk into those mistakes? I’m talking about tragic stuff - ministers in adultery, scandals in ministry - stuff like that? This is a strong statement but I am promising you something, if you get alone with God and ask Him to father you and whatever it takes to keep you in the straight and narrow and keep you in the light where you bring glory to His name and nothing less, He will always intervene in your life and never let you take a hard turn. He will always give you opportunity to stay straight and narrow. You won’t be just blind and deceived and wake up one day and say, “How did I get here?” - if you are in fellowship with God saying, Father me. Keep me in your perfect will. I don’t want to miss you in any way. I am not fearing missing you. I am rejoicing in your ability to keep me. And I am letting you know that I want you to father me. I want your wisdom. I want your guidance.
46:15 - Be teachable - We are baby Christians growing into adulthood. You have to be careful that you don’t go through a teenage stage where you know everything and can't be taught. Not every teenager, but where you see more independence, your own identity, your own mind - it doesn’t have to be a bad thing - confidence in who you are, learning, maturing, growing. When it gets bad is when that teenager begins to know more than people who have lived life. And all of the sudden the teenager is unteachable because they are matured. And a Christian can become a Christian teenager (in the sense that they become unteachable). That happened to me.
47:25 - Remembering being a teenager - Would never challenge mother but then began to challenge her. Once I crossed that line it was almost like I knew more than my mom. My mom couldn’t speak into my life, “What does she know.”
47:45 - Ask Him to father you and He will - So you don’t want to become wise in your own opinion. And we shouldn’t consider ourselves higher than we ought. If you remain in fellowship with God and continue to ask Him to father you, Holy Spirit, thank you for leading me and guiding me. Thank you for being my teacher. If there is any blindness encroaching, thanks for shining the light. If I am doing anything in ignorance, thanks for making me aware. If we will pray that way and commune that way, I promise you, you won’t wake up one day and go, “How did I get here?” I can tell you story after story of how God has intervened and fathered me. If He wouldn’t have, I would be way off base. That’s why I am passionate and why I love Him. Because I see His love for me. I’ve given Him the open door to father me.
49:00 - Freedom that we have - You have the right to do anything you want today. You could do an off the wall thing and God wouldn’t even intervene or stop you. That’s the freedom you have. But I don’t want that kind of freedom. I want love and relationship.
49:20 - God has dismantled the possibility of rebellion. Because God is not controlling us. For example, I could leave school today and grab a six pack and stop at a video shop and sit and watch it all day and drink the six pack. And God is not going to break my arm on the way or flatten my tires so I can’t get there. I could do that if I wanted. The gospel has taken that “want” out of me of course. What I am saying is, that's the kind of freedom we have in that sense.
49:50 - Voluntarily submitting to God in the midst of great freedom - But we have surrendered that freedom, that we might know Him because He is so wonderful and amazing. He’s not constantly telling me that I can’t do stuff. It’s not like that. It’s a love relationship so there is no place for rebellion. But you have to be careful that you are teachable, that you are always giving Him the opportunity to father you. Holy Spirit is your best friend. He will lead you and guide you into all truth.Prophecy
50:35 - Weirdness over Prophecy - We are to honor the prophet but we should not over do it. There was a season in my life that I didn’t even want to prophesy because of the way it affected people. People would say things like, “I am not going to tell you. You should know because you are walking with God. I just want you to pray for me because I know that God will tell you what I need.” And I am like “Ask and it will be given. How about just talking to me.” We can get weird with stuff. There was a season when I didn’t even want to prophesy because of the weird reaction in the body.
51:25 - Undercover prophecy - Prophecy in prayer form - When I do it now, I do it undercover all the time when I just pray. Someone said to me, “I think you are prophesying while you are praying. You are putting prophesy into prayer form.” I’ve been doing that for years. I don’t do it in prophetic form. I do that on purpose.
52:15 - When you are praying to the Father for them and you are seeing things for their life, a lot of times we are so excited that we are seeing that we do it in prophecy form. “Wow, I see right now that God is showing me…” And all the people that hear are impressed. It draws people like bugs to a light.
52:20 - You don’t know how YOU will respond to the “wow” reaction to your prophecy - You don’t have to undercover it. I have chosen to do that. I do that because of this experience that I am about to tell you. Because you don’t know how you will respond to people responding to you until it happens.
53:00 - Pursue love desire gifts - You could be hungering for and pursuing spiritual gifts but the Bible says pursue love and desire spiritual gifts - 1 Cor. 14:1. Love is the pure foundation that everything should flow from. If you are desiring gifts just to be spiritual, just to manifest, you don’t even know, until you are given that opportunity, how you will respond when people dote over your gift.
53:20 - Dealing with excessive praise - Every week of my life I have to handle this. “You are so amazing.” It feels weird to me every time and I am trying to learn how to hear it and not feel weird. Sometimes it is too much.
53:45 - Receiving honor and monetary gifts - Receiving honor. Receiving monetary gifts. I need to grow in that area. I am so not thinking that. It’s still weird to me. I want to be able to look them in the eye and say, “Man, God bless you for your heart. Thank you.” I have yet to do that. “Thank you so much for your heart.”
54:40 - But I have had some experiences that have made me a little gun shy in some areas.
55:00 - Overreaction to a class on word of knowledge - There was a night when I taught on the gift of word of knowledge at our church. And I said let’s show you what this looks like. So I lined up seven people and said to them, “Don't tell me anything about why you are here.” Like a prayer that they had had before the Lord for a while. I just went down the line and revealed what everybody’s priority prayer was. And to people that’s like, “Oh, my God.” After that class you wouldn’t believe how people responded. All I was trying to do was teach the validity of the gift and how we could walk in that gift. Then everybody was calling like I was a fortune teller. It just got weird. I didn’t handle that well. Are we even ready as a people to receive your giftings?
56:25 - No ability to speak - I went to this church and got a word of knowledge for this lady.
56:35 - Calling people out - I ministered a whole lot different back then. I would call people out all the time - out into the aisle - speak their life and pray. But it wasn’t reproducing anything. It would just get me invitations to a bigger conference. So if I want to do that in my personal life with people, I have a total green light. But I have no desire to do that in a church service.
57:30 - Praying years ago for a class participant who could not get pregnant. And she was pregnant not long after that.
57:45 - Calling people out (example) - Excuse me, sir, you in the striped shirt. You have a degenerated heart and you came here for your heart to be healed. You are a visitor from out of town. And his wife is holding his arm bawling. I could tell you hundreds of stories like that.
58:20 - I do that on airplanes.
58:35 - Taking care with the gifts - We have to be careful what we do with these giftings. This is why you hear me preach so passionately on identity. Because people think, “Wow, He moves through you that way. But He won’t move through me that way.” Or we have issues why He can’t use us. There is not a single reason why He can’t use you.
59:00 - No ability to speak (continued) - So I went to this church and zeroed in on this lady. The worship is incredible. These people are hungry. They are expecting God to move. I was worshipping and my eyes fix on a lady and her whole life unfolds. And I thought, “Things are right on target. We are ready to rock again.” I didn’t realize what I was letting happen in my heart. The pastor was on his face worshipping. There was a holiness in the room. The music guy was the only one left. And I just can’t wait to manifest. I can’t wait to reveal this word of knowledge and start things rolling. I got up in the pulpit and opened my mouth and I had no ability to speak.
1:00:45 - He fathered me - Wow, what a Father. Because the last thing that I want is to be deceived. The last thing I want is to reproach the gospel. The last thing I need is attention from man. And yet I am pulled subtly and slowly into this place. This experience was huge.
1:01:15 - No ability to speak (continued) - I had no ability to talk. And the Lord said, “See Dan, you couldn’t even speak if I didn’t let you.” And I bawled and bawled. I cried my heart out and confessed sin to that church - the sin of pride. The word that I had heard was right on. But God in the midst of that wanted to adjust His little boy. And I tell you what, it shook me.
1:02:20 - Keep me - What if I hadn’t been asking Him to keep me on the straight and narrow - kick me in the butt if you have to but don’t let me get off course. Father me. Not that I am afraid of failing. I don’t want to fail. It’s more I am releasing my faith in your ability to keep me.
1:02:40 - What if I was just ministry minded. What if I was just reading my Bible to just to minister.
1:02:50 - Example of old approach to ministering - I had so much fun with it that it was making me messed up. I feel more healthy… I so have no need to manifest… and yet I don’t feel like I am handcuffing God. People say, “That’s powerful. That’s awesome.” No, not if it is at the cost of the minister.
1:03:40 - Could I minister that way again? Is there a place for me to get past the concern of ministering that way? If He wants me to minister that way, I would. And there are times when I travel that He gives me a little liberty. When I am at my home church, I am not even thinking ministering. I am thinking, “You guys are the amazing body of Christ.” That’s all I see anymore. I have no need to prophesy. I preach a gospel of identity that releases the prophetic voice to His people because we see that we are His - that releases the anointing.
➡ 1:04:20 - I think we have had plenty of models in our lives. I think we have had plenty of teaching in our lives. I think what we have lacked is the identity that the gospel brings to every one of us personally. I think what we have lacked is the confidence of His finished work and His “I love you” through His Son. I think what we have lacked is that we are so qualified and equipped already because He came. Like we are His favorite. Every one of you is His favorite. How does that work? I think that is what we have lacked.
➡ 1:04:50 - That’s why the whole first 2 weeks of this school - all we talked about was identity and pursuing Him and knowing Him.1:05:00 - Find healthy balance - That was my journey and it so freaked me out that I shut down for about a year. All I did was teach. And I didn’t even think about praying for anybody, even in my personal life, even when I pastored and counseled behind the scenes. I wasn’t praying for anybody. I didn’t want to open the door to something. He let a whole year go by for my soul’s sake - so that I could grow and mature. I was still preaching a clear gospel. But I was insecure in where that could lead me. I was afraid of crossing back into that. I didn’t want to go there again. And I was in the church early one day praying and it was like Holy Spirit came up and sat beside me and put His arm around me and He said, “Hey Dan, I just asked you to find a healthy balance in this, not to turn off. I never wanted you to turn off.” And I bawled. And I feel like from that point on He brought me into a healthy place.
1:06:55 - Fathering talk - Don't just impress - Reproduce - A week later He had a father talk with me about this whole ministering thing. “You are just impressing people with the Christ you know, not multiplying people in the Christ you know. Your whole grace is to reproduce what you see (how you see because of the gospel) in other people. It’s not about you ministering. It’s about you reproducing ministers.” And I have been purposing to know what that means. And this school is an opportunity to do that further.
1:07:40 - Weighing ministries for their manifestations instead of the gospel preached - There is a lot of stuff out there right now - gold dust - I’m not saying anything bad. If you are not careful you will make them the markers of the move of God. And you will weigh ministries based on manifestations instead of the gospel preached. So be careful.
1:08:10 - Unresolved questions - There was a time in my life where it was very important for God to manifest through my life like that. It caused a lot of freaky questions with me that have never been answered. I don’t open them up too much because they cause controversy. But I start questioning - Was God allowing me to get into that? What doors do you open? Sometimes you get a door so wide that anything can come through. That kind of questioning scares people. I don’t go there. But don’t think I haven’t had those conversations in my heart. Is God enabling all of that? To get out of balance. Strange fire?1:08:55 - Personal interaction - You are a gem to me - Here is the deal - the pure in heart shall see God - Mt 5:8. So I have resolved, if God manifests, He manifests. Gems. A gem appeared the day we meditated in Ephesians. That’s just sweet to me. That is prophetic. That is God saying, “I value you. You are a gem to me.” That’s how I see it. But now we are not going on a gem hunt. We can take things to a weird place. They are personal things like that.
A Personal Love Relationship
1:09:55 - God wants personal communion. Talking to Him. How many of you guys are talking to Him through every circumstance and situation? Even taking walks in the woods? Asking Him questions? It’s how you get to know Him.
1:10:15 - Growing in God reality - The snake house - abandoned house filled with black snakes. Attic where heat rises. Snake skins. Lord, I have never seen a baby snake, a juvenile snake, if there are big ones there have to be babies. This stuff doesn’t change the world. It doesn’t heal the sick (directly). But it is all about God reality. It’s all about intimacy. It’s all about relationship. So here I am having this conversation with the Lord. Lord, I would love to see a baby snake just to see one. I didn’t think much about it. A couple of days later we went back. And on the trail was a juvenile snake. Now that doesn’t change the world but it touched my heart. That was Papa saying, “I hear you when you talk. If it means something to you, it means something to me. I love you. You’re my boy. And I love watching you grow.” I picked that thing up and cried. Explained to my son why I was crying. He hears you when you talk. He is so real and here and with me. It’s the greatest thing we can grow in.
1:15:15 - God reality through communion - Who has been a Christian and felt alone? Felt like He is far away? Felt like it is all faith and no knowing. But it (God reality) is not going to happen unless we enter into communion even if it is by faith. Just trusting.
1:15:40 - Root Beer - now people have it for me everywhere I go.
1:16:15 - BREAK