Heal the Sick - Preach the Kingdom

Lead Question for each section:

What stood out to you from the video segment? Any favorite quotes? Anything confuse you?

Supplemental Questions:

Section 1 - HCSKL 2010 Day 36 - (14:12 to 17:31) and (1:19:58 to 1:22:03) - Read John 3:1-6 from a couple of different translations.

15:40 - What's the connection between the things that Jesus is doing and the kingdom?

16:10 - In v.2 Nicodemus affirms Jesus. Why do you think that Jesus' response was all about born again followers?

17:10 - What is Jesus saying to Nicodemus - bottom line?

Section 2 - HCSKL 2010 Day 36 - (1:27:58 to 1:35:24) - Read Mt. 10:7-8 from a couple of different translations.

1:30:00 - What should our new normal be?

1:30:45 - Why is the push to pray a prayer to go to heaven so subversive to the message of the good news of the kingdom?

1:33:00 - What does the kingdom of God consist of?

Section 3 - HCSKL 2010 Day 36 - (1:39:01 to 1:44:05) - Read Luke 10:8-9 from a couple of different translations.

1:41:00 - What happens when the kingdom is here?

1:42:15 - How do you / would you explain the kingdom of God to someone else? Does it need to be a textbook response or a complicated response?

Section 4 - HCSKL 2010 Day 36 (1:50:28 to 1:52:51) - Preach first & heal? / Heal first & preach?

1:50:55 - What good things can come out of preaching first and then praying?

1:51:20 - Why might it be better to pray first and explain afterwards?