The Sacrament of Communion

Read: 1 Cor. 11:23-26 from a couple of different translations.

Lead Question for each section:

What stood out to you from the video segment? Any favorite quotes? Anything confuse you?

Supplemental Questions:

Section 1 - HCSKL 2011 - Day 36 - (25:42 to 33:51)

30:10 - What makes the gospel such good news? Almost too good to be true? Bordering on fairy-tale?

32:20 - What is rendered powerless now by the gospel? How do we still give those things a voice? Because we don't do what?

Section 2 - HCSKL 2011 - Day 8 - (1:56:21 to 1:57:05) - (:44) - Communion as covenant and wedding vows...

1:56:25 - In what sense is "all that is His" ours?

Section 3 - HCSKL 2011 - Day 40 - (1:18 to 10:10) - No questions for this segment - Enter into communion along with the HCSKL class.