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Dan Mohler - Casting Down Strongholds

You have to replace the lie with truth. The weapon of your warfare is mighty in the breaking down of strongholds. Strongholds are things that fix here [pointing to head] that become beliefs. And the weapon of your warfare is mighty in the breaking them down. It’s taking every thought that rises above the knowledge of God and bringing it into captivity and obedience according to Christ. The truth’s in Christ. So if, “You’re never going to make it. You’re never going to make it. You’re never going to make it.” Guess what you do? Father I so thank you that your Spirit is in me and your favor is towards me. And I thank you Father, that my feet are ready to run in destiny. And God there’s nothing that can stop us now. The Lord is my helper. What can man do to me? If God is for me who can be against me? God I don’t see how I’m getting to the finish line but I know there is one. And there’s destiny. And we’re going to write legacy that will speak forever. And there’s no stopping now. I’m forever encouraged in you. Thank you for your grace in my life.”… And he [the devil] has just thrust you to the throne.1

1. Casting down strongholds - replace lies with truth - devil's lies thrust you to throne - (1:13)
2. Casting down strongholds - hammer with the truth - (4:27)
3. Casting down strongholds - strongholds - thoughts that become beliefs - mindsets - (:33)

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