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Dan Mohler - We are His dividend

Jesus is a seed. Each seed produces after its own kind. Jesus is a seed that fell to the ground that springs up and bears much fruit of the same kind - each seed after its own kind. “Unless a seed dies and falls to the ground it abides alone.” So that’s why we die - to get into the gospel - we die so that we don’t just keep abiding alone. We die so we can really live and we’ll spring up and bear much fruit. So Jesus was a divine deposit into the earth to reap an amazing dividend of increase after what was deposited. Right? You deposit and invest cash into something and what’s your dividend in the natural? A whole lot more cash - same value - same currency - it’s the same. So you give to reproduce that after its own kind. It’s an investment. There’s a “glory of His inheritance” - His inheritance - I think we think that means Him and all the things He gives us. I really think that His “inheritance in the saints” - there’s a whole lot of saints - it’s amazing He used the word saints - His inheritance in the saints - I see just as much as Jesus depositing His blood into the earth and we’re the dividends of God. We’re on His IRS tax return. He has received great increase from what He has sown. He put one child into the earth and received a whole bunch of children. Do you get it? He was willing to shed one man’s blood and now He has an army of people not afraid to shed their blood.1  

1. Dan Mohler - 2010 Kingdom Living School W1S1 [117:20]