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Dan Mohler - Two Greatest Commandments

The two greatest commandments on the earth are love God with everything you are. You can’t love Him unless you see His first love. That’s why I’ve completely preached the love of God tonight. He loves you for your created value. It’s not where you’ve been and what you’ve done. It’s who you were created to be, your potential, your destiny that He cherishes. And He’s willing to pay any price necessary to get the lie off of you so you can fulfill what you’re here for. That’s the love of God. And that’s what causes me to love Him. But the second commandment is like it. He married the two. We have a first commandment and a second for the sake of one and two but they’re both the same. Love God with everything you are and love your neighbor as yourself. If you don’t have a good view of you, how do you see them clear? If you don’t like who you are, you might be tempted to just fault find and see all of the weakness around you. And all of the sudden you’re not the only egg in the box, apple in the barrel…. When I see me crystal clear and look in the mirror, and realize who I’ve become in Him, boy does it give me a good view of you and man do you look good to Him. You are worth me laying down my life. - Dan Mohler1 

1. “Living to Love - A Weekend with Dan Mohler”, King’s Way Church, Birmingham, AL; March 21-23, 2014; originally viewed on YouTube but subsequently removed.